Why a Collection Attorney is an effective and best alternative

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Why a Collection Attorney is an effective and best alternative to collect past due consumer-customer or commercial-client balances due and owing? 

So, your company in a challenging situation, you have consumer-customers and/or commercial-clients that owe you money.

You’ve attempted on your own to collect the monies owed by contacting a debt collection agency to help recover the delinquent accounts. But what these companies can do is limited. Collection agencies can only make calls and write letters. Sometimes this works but is usually not effective when with chronically delinquent debtors.

A Business and Consumer Collections Attorney will obtain pertinent information and conduct a detailed analysis of the situation to provide you with a fact driven assessment of the customer or client that owes the debt. They may obtain a credit report and much more. This provides important information that can be used when trying to collect a past due debt. They will have a good idea of the financial status and deduce the debtor’s ability to pay the debt they owe. The customer or business client’s payment patterns will also provide essential information.

Many customer or business clients will ignore a letter from a collection agency. But when they receive a letter from an attorney, they will almost always open it and usually read it. Correspondence from a lawyer greatly increases the chance of obtaining a response than something sent from a collection agency.

An attorney is able to use legal proceedings that operate as tools to recover money. This includes such things as wage garnishments, bank levies, property liens, payment plans, forbearance agreements and more. Communicating these scenarios is often sufficient to motivate a customer or business client to get current with their account. When this doesn’t happen, an attorney can follow through with these legal procedures.

There are many debtors who know they have nothing to fear from a business or a commercial debt collection agency. Many of them already became familiar with certain provisions contained within the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

One of the provisions of this law enables a debtor to contact the collection agency in writing informing them they refuse to pay the debt and want the collection agency to no longer contact them using any form of communication. When this happens, a collection agency can do no more on the account.

An attorney can continue where a collection agency must stop. A collections lawyer can file a lawsuit. In many cases, when this is done, a debtor often becomes current or works out a payment plan. The prospect of facing post-judgment remedies such as garnishments, levying on business or personal bank accounts, attaching real estate and more often motivates debtors to deal with their debt.